Das IT-Unternehmen dots. wird Mitglied des Schweizer Verbands zur Förderung intelligenter Verkehrssysteme
The IT company dots. becomes a member of the Switzerland association for the promotion of Intelligent Transport Systems June 28, 2022 The IT and artificial intelligence company dots. with its innovative and multifaceted intelligent transportation solution Fits. has become a member of the Switzerland association for the promotion of Intelligent Transport Systems. The association offers […]
Willkommen zum 14. europäischen ITS-Kongress: Toulouse 2022
Welcome to the 14th ITS European Congress: Toulouse 2022 May 26, 2022 The long-awaited event of ITS European Congress is approaching and will be taking place from May 30th to June 1st, 2022, in Toulouse, France. It is the place to meet influential companies, influencers, and opinion leaders in the transport solutions and smart mobility […]
ITS (UK) Review-Magazin
ITS (UK) Review magazine May 24, 2022 We are a proud member of ITS (UK) – the association for the promotion of Intelligent Transport Systems! And now you can also find us in the very first ITS (UK) Review magazine alongside many other members! Read about AI solutions, environmental solutions, data, and more. Take a […]
Das IT-Unternehmen dots. nimmt an der britisch-lettischen Veranstaltung Intelligent Transport Systems Mobility teil
The IT company dots. will participate in the UK-Latvia Intelligent Transport Systems mobility event April 18, 2022 Representatives of the IT company dots. will participate in a hybrid mobility event for the mobility and traffic technology professionals at the Embassy of Latvia in London on April 28. As one of the leading technology companies in […]
Auf dem Weg zu einer intelligenten Straßeninfrastruktur
Auf dem Weg zu einer intelligenten Straßeninfrastruktur April 18, 2022 In der heutigen Welt findet eine digitale Transformation statt und das Ergebnis ist, dass Europas Verkehrsinfrastruktur und auch die Automobilindustrie revolutionäre Veränderungen erfahren. Jēkabs Krastiņš betrachtet die Herausforderungen und plant den weiteren Weg. Europas Verkehrsinfrastruktur sowie die Automobilindustrie erleben durch den Übergang zu klimaneutralen Mobilitätslösungen […]
Intertraffic Amsterdam
Intertraffic Amsterdam March 23, 2022 The world’s leading trade exhibition for mobility professionals, Intertraffic Amsterdam, is just around the corner, and we are ready for it! Are you? Our colleague Edgars Starkis will be attending the event in Amsterdam this year. Come meet us there! Join us and discover the latest trends in infrastructure, traffic […]